Jerry Kidd

Use free content to boost your online presence and get more sales!

It’s a commonly accepted fact that when you post useful content on your social media sites, you will build a following. The more you post, and the more relevant the content, the faster you will build a following.  The bigger your following, the better your chances are of getting new business from your efforts. In…

Jerry Kidd

Google’s new free tool to help people find you! Part 1

If you have been struggling to build a local presence on Google, you may be happy to learn that the Google My Business platform makes things a whole lot simpler. This is Google’s latest tool to help local businesses connect with more consumers.  It merges Google Maps, Search and Google+ into a single platform; which…

Jerry Kidd

Check out this often overlooked social networking site!

LinkedIn is a specialty social networking site. It’s much more specialized than the others due to the audience it attracts. LinkedIn is specifically for professionals. If you’re looking for a job then it’s a must. However, real estate agent looking to attract prospects and connect with past clients can also utilize LinkedIn in a productive…

Jerry Kidd

Social Media Tips that will help you grow your business

As a followup to last week’s post, here are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you are more efficient with your participation in social networks and continue to work toward your goals. (Here is the link to last week’s post: Have a plan for your social media. Are you going to use…

10 Questions and Answers about Google+ to help your business in 2014

Since its launch in 2011, Google Plus, commonly known as Google+, has gone on to attract over 500 million registered users, making it one of the most popular social networking today. For companies and professionals, this means a new and innovative way to share business news with like-minded people, mingle with existing clients, and find…

LinkedIn for Small Business – 10 Questions and Answers

Founded in 2002, LinkedIn has helped many business-minded people, professionals, and companies with networking, employment, business expansion, and more. With over 200 million registered users, it’s known as one of the top social networks, alongside social media powerhouses such as Facebook and Twitter. However, LinkedIn offers many unique tools and options not found on other…