What ARE they saying about YOU?

On September 5th, I wrote about Nutshell Mail which aggregates everything social into an email. Today I want to briefly tell you about Social Mention which does a similar thing, but goes further to help you understand your reach and the sentiment that you evoke among your social graph. I’ve included a screen shot of…

Social Media Marketing Interactive

Unless you have managed to avoid turning on your computer, television and radio for the past several years, you already know that social networking is probably the biggest thing to hit the web since AOL popularized the online experience in 1996. Some of the most talked about social sites are Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter. …

Facebook – your best friend or your worst nightmare?

As I travel around teaching real estate professionals how to use the new social tools to grow their businesses, I continue to get questions about Facebook. More specifically, I get the question “Should I be friends with other real estate agents?” (Substitute whatever industry your competitor is in). The concern seems to be that the…