Teach Your Parents Tech! (Or Teach yourself)

My passion these days is showing small business owners how to use the new web based tools to grow their businesses.  And yes, real estate people are small business owners. I really enjoy showing people how Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter have real world business applications and are not just for wasting time. Arguably, the…

Social Media Marketing Interactive

Unless you have managed to avoid turning on your computer, television and radio for the past several years, you already know that social networking is probably the biggest thing to hit the web since AOL popularized the online experience in 1996. Some of the most talked about social sites are Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter. …

backupify your social content

I had a minor disaster at my casa last week in which I lost all access to a VMWare Fusion Windows XP machine. Fortunately it was quickly resolved by using a backup. That started me thinking about what I have that is NOT backed up. All of my computers use backup drives that are physically…

Realtor’s® guide to making a living in a Web 2.0 World ~ Part Ten ~ 140 Characters at a time

Got Twitter?  Have you set up a free Twitter account yet?  If so, are you using it interactively or is it a mystery to you?  If not, why not?  Still think it’s about what somebody had for breakfast? Let’s take a fresh look at Twitter from the perspective that it is a tool that connects…