Facebook – your best friend or your worst nightmare?

As I travel around teaching real estate professionals how to use the new social tools to grow their businesses, I continue to get questions about Facebook. More specifically, I get the question “Should I be friends with other real estate agents?” (Substitute whatever industry your competitor is in). The concern seems to be that the…


Get new clients using social tools ~ Part Two

Last week I talked about your need to have a prospecting plan that brings you the customers that you want to work with, instead of always having to work with whoever shows up! Wouldn’t it be nice if we always had a steady stream of prospective clients moving towards us as we move towards them?…


Get new clients using social tools ~ Part One

I have long held the belief that in order for me to be happy in my business life, that I really need to work with people that I like and to avoid those people who seem to make it their mission in life to grind down my soul. I discovered that working for other people…


Microsoft feels your pain and wants to help

I learned about a new Microsoft Beta program the other day that promises to make life a bit easier for users of Windows 7, Vista and XP. It’s called “Microsoft Fixit Center”. It’s a small download that you obtain from http://fixitcenter.support.microsoft.com/Portal/ and install. Once installed, you login with your Windows Live ID. After you log…


There is not one word about the iPad in this post!

As I write this post it is Easter, so Happy Easter to those of you, like me, that celebrate it.  Since this is a day that I reserve for family, this will be a very short post. A few weeks ago (https://realtytechbytes.com/idxworth-itor-not/) I asked for your help by filling out a short survey…out of over…
