Why I returned my iPad

According to a good friend, and fellow technology aficionado, I caused hell to freeze over a few weeks ago when I bought a 64 GB 3G iPad after publicly stating that I was going to sit this one out, (https://realtytechbytes.com/why-i-am-not-buying-a-ipad/). There were a couple of really good reasons for doing this, not the least of…


Own your own AT&T cell “tower”!

On June 27th I told you about a solution that I was using to solve the almost non existent AT&T coverage in my office. Here is the link to that article in case you missed it: https://realtytechbytes.com/solve-poor-att-reception/ It actually worked quite nicely, until you picked up the phone. Once you did that, and took the…


Use your cellphone with your home or office phone system

Last week I told you about how I solved my AT&T “no reception” problem at my office in San Ramon. (https://realtytechbytes.com/solve-poor-att-reception/) The solution works perfectly…if I want to use the speaker phone on my iPhone.  If I pick up the phone to answer it I lose my reception!  That’s because in order for the phone…


How to choose the cell phone that is right for you!

Ever since Apple announced the 4G iPhone earlier this month, I have been doing some research on which phone I might want to buy when my current contract runs out in early July. And, with the huge assortment of really capable phones available, it’s been an interesting process. To start with, I took a look…
