Easy way to fix your Facebook Privacy

I’ve talked about Facebook privacy before and have highlighted a few tools that can help you gain control of your Facebook privacy.  (https://realtytechbytes.com/three-websites-to-help-you-get-your-facebook-privacy-under-control) But, if you are like most, you probably said, “yeah, yeah, yeah Jerry.  Why should I care?”.  Perhaps you have nothing in your Facebook profile or your likes, or Apps, or your…


Director of Technology, Social Media and Education

I am very excited to announce that I have joined Bradley Real Estate in San Rafael as the newly created Director of Technology, Social Media and Education!  I have been following the growth of Bradley Real Estate for the past few years and have liked what I heard and saw.  So when I ran across…


Easy way to get rid of those piles of business cards!

I recently got a phone call from a long time business acquaintance, and friend asking me to please take a look at his latest project.  Because of my blog http://www.RealtyTechBytes.com, I get requests like this quite frequently. In most cases I don’t report on them because they don’t fit my criteria of something useful to folks in the…


Turn your smartphone into a pocket translator for free!

If you have an iPhone or an Android phone, you are probably looking for new and cool things to do with your phone.  Although I’ve reviewed and recommended many apps on this blog over the years (to find them run this Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=realtytechbytes.com+apps)I haven’t run across anything as useful and cool as I am…
