Kudos to zipLogix and Docusign!

Back in November 2011 I lambasted zipLogix (Maker of zipForms6) and Docusign for not having a solution for iPads that seamlessly integrated the two services. (You can read it here if you wish: https://realtytechbytes.com/shame-on-ziplogix-and-docusign) Recently I revisited creating contracts on the iPad since I was prompted to renew my annual subscription to the zipForms6 mobile…


Mobile Website Design – 4 Things You Need To Know!

Do I Really Need A Mobile Website? The latest stats are truly staggering. According to CBS news, there are more than 5 Billion cell phones in use worldwide, and about one billion of these are capable of connecting to the internet. In fact, there are more internet-connected mobile devices than there are desktop and laptops…


Know more about your area with a few taps

One of the ways that we, as real estate professionals, can distinguish ourselves from the thousands of others in our market are is by having great knowledge of our area. For us, knowing about housing prices, what’s available and what has sold is easily accomplished through the MLS.  Sad to say, it’s also available to…
