9 things that you got wrong about reputation management!

In this age of social media and technology, it is sometimes easy to forget this fact:  Just as the internet can have a positive effect on your business, it can also have some extremely damaging effects.  As you probably know, before choosing a real estate agent to do business with, many consumers go online to…


Free content resources to make you look good!

I was recently asked by an agent where she could find material to share on LinkedIn, Facebook and other social sites. My initial thought was “everywhere” but on further thought, I realized that even though shareable content IS everywhere, most agents are not aware of it or even how to share it. So, this week…


LinkedIn for Small Business – 10 Questions and Answers

Founded in 2002, LinkedIn has helped many business-minded people, professionals, and companies with networking, employment, business expansion, and more. With over 200 million registered users, it’s known as one of the top social networks, alongside social media powerhouses such as Facebook and Twitter. However, LinkedIn offers many unique tools and options not found on other…


10 things you got wrong about mobile marketing!

In a world population of approximately 7 billion, more than 6 billion people have mobile phones. That’s more than the number of people who have computers, televisions and radios.   On top of that, mobile web usage has increased tremendously in recent years; in fact, more than half of internet searches are performed on mobile…


10 things you got wrong about social media marketing!

In the minds of some people, “Social Media” is just one of the new buzzwords in today’s global marketplace. However, it’s so much more than that – especially for real estate professionals. Social media marketing has become one of the most popular methods used by agents today to generate more leads, customers, and revenue. Social…
