Jerry Kidd

5 resources that will help you make more money before Christmas!

In a few days summer will be over.  The Autumnal Equinox is Monday, September 22, 2014 here in California, but as far as the real estate market is concerned, summer is over and the fall selling season is under way.  This is traditionally the last “push” of the year.  The time between now and Thanksgiving…

Jerry Kidd

2 Things you MUST do before buying that new phone!

Rumor has it that Apple will release the iPhone 6 on September 9th, and if you are thinking that you might like to “upgrade” your old phone to the latest and greatest from Cupertino, then you are probably eagerly awaiting that date. Me too!  But, there are some caveats that I thought I’d share with…

Jerry Kidd

Microsoft FINALLY brings MS Office to the iPad (sort of)!

It’s not often that you’ll read anything on this blog that is even remotely favorable to Microsoft.  In fact, most who know me would say that I delight in bashing Microsoft.  And they would be correct.  After 20 years of using and supporting Microsoft products, I switched to Macs back in 2007 and haven’t regretted…

Jerry Kidd

This radical change in how the Internet is used affects you! (And your business)

Recent statistics show a radical shift in how we use the internet: in 2014, mobile web traffic is expected to overtake desktop and laptop computer traffic. This means that local consumers are using smartphones — a lot. You may be wondering what this has to do with your business. The fact is that it has…

10 things you got wrong about email marketing! (And what to do about it)

One of the most powerful digital marketing methods in the modern era is email marketing. Email marketing has helped many real estate agents stay connected to prospects and clients simply by staying in touch with them on a regular basis. Email is no longer limited to desktop and laptop usage; most people today check their…

10 things you got wrong about social media marketing!

In the minds of some people, “Social Media” is just one of the new buzzwords in today’s global marketplace. However, it’s so much more than that – especially for real estate professionals. Social media marketing has become one of the most popular methods used by agents today to generate more leads, customers, and revenue. Social…