Welcome to part 5 of my 5 part treatise on how to be successful in real estate! If you missed the first four parts, here are the links to the articles on my blog:
- Prospecting: https://realtytechbytes.com/?s=prospecting
- Staying in Touch: https://realtytechbytes.com/?s=stay+in+touch
- Listing Presentations: https://realtytechbytes.com/?s=Listing+Presentation
- Time Management: https://realtytechbytes.com/?s=time+management
If you have been diligent in following my advice over the past five weeks, you may be ready to attend a closing or two! Congratulations! You figured out the hard parts and are now ready to tackle the world…at least for now!
You see, every thing that you have learned up until now is good for the business as you understand it today! These are the fundamentals and as such should serve you well over the life of your career. But, there is always something new coming at us! And because of that you need to be constantly learning new things.
I strongly suggest that you invest in yourself. By that I mean, go to take all the classes that your association has to offer on using the MLS, zipForms, Docusign, Digital Ink, negotiation, staging escrow management and what ever else they may be offering that looks interesting. Strive to take at least one class a week.
Next invest the time to earn a GRI, CRS, SRES and an ABR. These Designations and Certification courses will fill you with knowledge and because of that confidence.
One more thing. You get a magazine from CAR and one from NAR every month. Please read them cover to cover. You’d be surprised what you will learn from them!
Finally, I have written a number of article that I think will benefit you as well.
Go to https://realtytechbytes.com/?s=learning to read them! Since this article has the links to all five of the steps, please hang on to it and refer back from time to time.
I hope that you have enjoyed doing all of this reading, but more importantly I hope that you have adopted some of my suggestions and have seen an increase in your income.