iPhone – expensive toy or real business tool?

I have had my iPhone for a little over 60 days now.  On July 11th I was one of the people who stood in line for hours for the privilege of forking over nearly $500 (when all was said and done with taxes, activation fees, pre-pays and accessories) to purchase an iPhone on “opening day”. …

Put the emotion back into your email communications!

In my opinion, one of the characteristics of a good real estate agent is the ability to listen to what their client/customer has to say and then to be able to translate that into action.  Equally important is the ability to communicate information back to the client/customer.  In the past we typically did that in…

SearchBoth.com ~ a very cool way to search two engines at once!

Last week’s post was pretty heavy, so this week I thought I should swing in the other direction and talk about something a little lighter. This came to my attention from two sources.  Lillian Ng, an agent in our Opera Plaza Office suggested it to me, and two days later I received an email from a…