Jerry Kidd, GRI, CRS, CRB SRES, ePRO a 38 year veteran of the real estate industry, has listed and sold houses, managed real estate offices, been the IT Director for a major Northern California real estate company as well as being the Training Director for yet another major Northern California real estate company .
Jerry earned his GRI early in his real estate career and then went on to earn his CRS and CRB setting the tone for a career-long focus on the importance of continuing education. Along the way, Jerry has earned three Microsoft certifications, MCP, MCP+I and MCSE, as well as one from Cisco, CCNA. Rounding out his list of technology certifications are two from COMPTIA, an A+ and a Network+, as well as the ePRO from NAR.
Jerry is currently a California State Certified Instructor for the SRES and GRI programs, presenting courses on working with seniors, listing techniques, technology and advanced technology applications. Jerry is also a NAR Certified ePRO Trainer, zipForms Certified Trainer and a DocuSign Certified Trainer.
A few weeks ago I gave you a seven day plan for using social networking. In Day Seven of the plan, I talked about a tool that I use (NutshellMail) to help me stay on top of all the activity in my social networks. When I add my Facebook friends, my Facebook business page fans,…
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Web 2.0 sites and social media are already here (and have been for some time). Experts predict that this trend will only grow. That means if you don’t start using social media now – today – you’ll be left behind. Here then are 10 tips for using social media to drive traffic to your sites……
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Let’s pretend that you have never heard of social networking until just now. And from what you have heard, you are excited because you have learned that you can use it to stay in touch with past clients, meet new prospects and also use it to nurture those new relationships until they are ready to…
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According to a good friend, and fellow technology aficionado, I caused hell to freeze over a few weeks ago when I bought a 64 GB 3G iPad after publicly stating that I was going to sit this one out, ( There were a couple of really good reasons for doing this, not the least of…
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So, I had this problem. My wife loves to watch movies on the TV. Recently we were fortunate enough to come into a big screen, flat panel TV that has taken her movie watching into a whole new dimension of entertainment. I am a member of NetFlix, but since my taste in movies tends to…
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On June 27th I told you about a solution that I was using to solve the almost non existent AT&T coverage in my office. Here is the link to that article in case you missed it: It actually worked quite nicely, until you picked up the phone. Once you did that, and took the…
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I sure hope that you’ll say yes, because the problem that this tip will solve is starting to look like an epidemic. Facebook is built on connecting with people and becoming their “friend”. Once you are friends with someone you can start to share your life stream with them and they can share theirs with…
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I have to confess. I have a secret weapon that allows me to stay on top of my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn networks. If you’ve got more than a few friends on these networks, keeping up with everyone’s activities can be pretty time consuming, but keep up you must. Otherwise, what is the point of…
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I spent all of the week of June 21st through June 25th presenting “Introduction to ePro” workshops. I was at 9 different REALTOR® Associations around the San Francisco Bay Area. If you attended one of them and wanted to sign up for ePro and were not able to do so, here is another opportunity for…
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Last week I told you about how I solved my AT&T “no reception” problem at my office in San Ramon. ( The solution works perfectly…if I want to use the speaker phone on my iPhone. If I pick up the phone to answer it I lose my reception! That’s because in order for the phone…
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