Jerry Kidd, GRI, CRS, CRB SRES, ePRO a 38 year veteran of the real estate industry, has listed and sold houses, managed real estate offices, been the IT Director for a major Northern California real estate company as well as being the Training Director for yet another major Northern California real estate company .
Jerry earned his GRI early in his real estate career and then went on to earn his CRS and CRB setting the tone for a career-long focus on the importance of continuing education. Along the way, Jerry has earned three Microsoft certifications, MCP, MCP+I and MCSE, as well as one from Cisco, CCNA. Rounding out his list of technology certifications are two from COMPTIA, an A+ and a Network+, as well as the ePRO from NAR.
Jerry is currently a California State Certified Instructor for the SRES and GRI programs, presenting courses on working with seniors, listing techniques, technology and advanced technology applications. Jerry is also a NAR Certified ePRO Trainer, zipForms Certified Trainer and a DocuSign Certified Trainer.
You are your own worst enemy! Pretty bold statement, but I felt like I needed to get your attention quickly. I am of the opinion that the real estate industry is masterful at shooting itself in the foot. We have a number of ways that we do this, many because of national and state association…
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Happy Mother’s Day! I hope that you get to spend it with your family. If your Mom is still alive, I’ll bet that she’d love to see or hear from you! Because I am spending Mother’s Day with Family, I am re-posting a January 2010 post that has information that I think you may be…
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On March 11, 2011 Facebook was supposed to kill the ability for new fan pages to add a Static FBML tab to fan pages. For reasons known only to them they did not actually kill that ability for a few weeks. You might be saying so what or who cares right about now. And, I…
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It’s been a long time since I fired up the Windows Installation on my iMac at home. In fact it’s been several months. During that time I just haven’t had the need to use Windows as I am perfectly happy with the Mac in it’s native configuration. Because it had been months since I last…
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After several false starts, 2011 has been labeled the “Year of the Tablet”. (Here is a link to a Google search on that topic: the year of the tablet: When the iPad first came out there was a big rush on the part of iPhone developers to port their apps onto the new and…
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My passion these days is showing small business owners how to use the new web based tools to grow their businesses. And yes, real estate people are small business owners. I really enjoy showing people how Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter have real world business applications and are not just for wasting time. Arguably, the…
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Time for a little fun! You may have heard the term “infographic” being bandied about. It refers to a collection of facts on a topic that are presented in place of or in conjunction with the facts being discussed. While noodling around on the interwebs the other night, I ran across this one on the…
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Recently I have been working both from my office PC and my iMac at home. (I keep a PC at the office for old times sake) and have had to move some big files back and forth between the two. I’m talking Gigabyte size files. Really big ones. Huge, in fact. I’ve been using LogMeIn…
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Last Friday (March 11th) I was in front of my computer a few minutes past midnight. Even though I am usually up fairly late, that was a new level in “lateness” for me. I was up that late so that I could go online to and order an iPad 2. Having stood in line…
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You can’t avoid it anymore. It’s everywhere you look. Television commercials for all sorts of products tell you to do it, magazine ads feature the logo and the promise of benefits if you will just do this one thing. Every one you know is there already and recent events in the Middle East have shown…
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