Jerry Kidd, GRI, CRS, CRB SRES, ePRO a 38 year veteran of the real estate industry, has listed and sold houses, managed real estate offices, been the IT Director for a major Northern California real estate company as well as being the Training Director for yet another major Northern California real estate company . Jerry earned his GRI early in his real estate career and then went on to earn his CRS and CRB setting the tone for a career-long focus on the importance of continuing education. Along the way, Jerry has earned three Microsoft certifications, MCP, MCP+I and MCSE, as well as one from Cisco, CCNA. Rounding out his list of technology certifications are two from COMPTIA, an A+ and a Network+, as well as the ePRO from NAR. Jerry is currently a California State Certified Instructor for the SRES and GRI programs, presenting courses on working with seniors, listing techniques, technology and advanced technology applications. Jerry is also a NAR Certified ePRO Trainer, zipForms Certified Trainer and a DocuSign Certified Trainer.

Jerry Kidd

How to find find your target audience on social media platforms

One of the best ways to increase your real estate business is by advertising.  We’ve known it for years and have utilized it in many different formats with varying results. When I started in real estate print advertising was king.  We ran ads in the Sunday Real estate section of the local newspaper and daily…

Jerry Kidd

2 Things you MUST do before buying that new phone!

Rumor has it that Apple will release the iPhone 6 on September 9th, and if you are thinking that you might like to “upgrade” your old phone to the latest and greatest from Cupertino, then you are probably eagerly awaiting that date. Me too!  But, there are some caveats that I thought I’d share with…

How to effectively use Social Media for Lead Generation

So much has been written about the benefit of using social media in general, and Facebook in particular, to generate leads that you may be weary of yet another such post.  But, stick with me because I think you’ll find some real value in this one. Almost everyone agrees that there is opportunity in Facebook. …