Jerry Kidd, GRI, CRS, CRB SRES, ePRO a 38 year veteran of the real estate industry, has listed and sold houses, managed real estate offices, been the IT Director for a major Northern California real estate company as well as being the Training Director for yet another major Northern California real estate company .
Jerry earned his GRI early in his real estate career and then went on to earn his CRS and CRB setting the tone for a career-long focus on the importance of continuing education. Along the way, Jerry has earned three Microsoft certifications, MCP, MCP+I and MCSE, as well as one from Cisco, CCNA. Rounding out his list of technology certifications are two from COMPTIA, an A+ and a Network+, as well as the ePRO from NAR.
Jerry is currently a California State Certified Instructor for the SRES and GRI programs, presenting courses on working with seniors, listing techniques, technology and advanced technology applications. Jerry is also a NAR Certified ePRO Trainer, zipForms Certified Trainer and a DocuSign Certified Trainer.
How do you communicate with your clients these days? Using text messaging much? If so, how do you capture those conversations into your transaction logs? You could always take screen shots from your phone, but that’s clunky and it’s difficult to make sure that you’ve captured everything. If you are ignoring that important part of…
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As i write this we are in the last few weeks of the year. That means that we’ll soon begin the task of preparing for the annual meeting with our tax preparers! Many of us have great systems in place for keeping track of business spending, so this process is no big deal. But for…
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Have you ever given any thought to the marketing power of the emails that you send? If not, now’s the time! Every email that you send has the ability to not only convey the message that you are sending, but also to direct the recipient to your social site, your web site and even a…
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It’s a sign of the times that we have all become security conscious these days. I live in a gated community in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s an upscale, golf and tennis oriented community and for the past 30 years or so, it has been a very safe place to live. Recently there have…
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Every November the National Association of REALTORS® gets together to celebrate all things REALTOR®, debate issues, come up with new ideas and party like mad. All of which is only of mild interest to me. But, one thing does happen during this annual convention that I find absolutely essential to every REALTOR®. And that is…
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What if I told you that I had an easy to do way to stay in touch with your sphere of influence, your past clients and people that you meet every day? What if I told you that it would cost you less than you spend for that trendy coffee shop coffee you probably buy…
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Are you on track to hit your income goals for 2017? Or could a few more deals be just what you need? Thinking that most of us could use a few more closed transactions by year end, and also recognizing that most of us could use a few more tips on how to find more…
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Welcome to part 5 of my 5 part treatise on how to be successful in real estate! If you missed the first four parts, here are the links to the articles on my blog: Prospecting: Staying in Touch: Listing Presentations: Time Management: If you have been diligent in following my advice…
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Welcome to part 4 of my 5 part treatise on how to be successful in real estate! If you missed the first three parts, here are the links to the articles on my blog: Prospecting: Staying in Touch: Listing Presentations: If you have been diligent in following my advice over the past…
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Welcome to part 3 of my 5 part treatise on how to be successful in real estate! If you missed the first two parts, here are the links to the articles on my blog: Prospecting: Staying in Touch: If you’ve done a good job of prospecting for new business you may have gotten…
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