Every once in a while we have one of those days where there is absolutely nothing going on. When that happens we have some choices to make…we can declare it a holiday and go have fun somewhere or we can turn it into an unexpected day to catch up on things.
Here are some ideas on what to do when there is nothing to do:
Things to do when there is nothing to do
- Write down a schedule for the next day, and follow it.
- Call a former client and ask for prospects.
- Preview new listings.
- Take a drive searching for F.S.B.O. signs, and follow up.
- Organize and update your listing presentation book.
- Read an article, or listen to can Audible program on sales technique.
- Perform a self analysis on your last appointment. Was it successful? Why or why not?
- Solicit FSBOs … go knock on their doors
- Call a current listing to update them on their property’s progress.
- Send out thank-you notes to people who sent you referrals.
- Clean out your desk and files. Throw out unnecessary items.
- Update your mailing lists.
- Write new, sparkling ad copy.
- Call business personnel managers and inquire about employee relocations.
- Reorganize your file and follow-up system for better efficiency.
- Call an old prospect. Perhaps they are still in the market.
- Set-up an appointment with a likely prospect and go well prepared.
- Organize an open house and then schedule it.
- Make contacts with loan officers. They are valuable people to know.
- Read an article on property taxes
- Work your farm.
- Try some cold calling – again.
- Take a few minutes to think about how you can make better use of your time.
- Update your social media profiles
- Call the last few agents that you had transactions with and thank them for their professionalim.