A few days ago one of my friends posted this on Facebook: “Looking for recommendations for wifi services for RV’s. If I’m going to take advantage of being able to work remotely, I need internet.”
This got me thinking about ways that that she could do this. Of course I came up with the fact that her smart phone could mount a hot spot and that would work just fine. Unless, she was being charged for data by her cell phone provider. In that case the bill could quickly get out of hand if she was doing typical real estate stuff on the Internet. You know, like browsing webs sites that had lots of pictures and virtual tours!
Then I remembered a gadget that I had purchased in May of 2018. I used it quite extensively in 2018 and 2019, both domestically and internationally and found that it worked well.
Since we didn’t go anywhere in 2020, it fell into the depths of my little used gadget drawer and got forgotten about until I saw the post from my friend!
This thing is amazing. It not only throws a strong wifi signal, the model I have also has a built in storage battery to recharge my small electronics.
I buy the data on an as needed basis, but they have plans by the day and by the moth.
So, what is this amazing tool? It’s the Skyroam Solis and you can learn all about it at http://www.skyroam.com. They have a section on how it works, a section on pricing and two different models to choose from there.
Recently it was announced that we can start holding open houses again and I see this as a great way to access the MLS, the web, email and so on while holding an open house. It’s pocket sized so moving it around is easy and your phone or laptop will easily connect tio the wifi hotspot that it creates.
Here is a quick video that will give you a good idea of what it looks like and how some people are using it: https://youtu.be/WOH5Zc0PxHo
I suggest that you check it out!