Well, here we are at the close off the first quarter of 2021! I don’t know about you, but this first quarter has literally flown by! It seemed like 2020 would never end so that may be why 2021 seems to be roaring along ! Who knows, but what I do know, is that we only have 9 months to nail our goals for this year.
So, while thinking about that, I came up with the idea that if you aren’t hitting the numbers that you want, maybe a trip back to basics is in order.
Towards that line of thought, I am reviving two past articles that deal with the same basic concept. What would I do if I had to start all lover again, knowing what I know now?
These are both worth reading even if you are hitting or exceeding your 2021 goals because you may pick up an idea that will bump you up to the next level.
And if you find yourself struggling, the articles will definitely give you food for thought.
The first one was published on March 20th, 2016. It’s pretty lengthy but won’t take you more that 5 minutes to read. Longer if you take notes!
Find it here: https://realtytechbytes.com/if-i-had-to-start-over-again/
The next article was published in July of 2020 so it’s puts a Covid-19 slant on the original article. As I write this it looks like we are emerging from the lock downs and draconian business rules that we have been living with for a year now, but there is still good info in the article. You can find it here: https://realtytechbytes.com/if-i-was-starting-over-again/
For an extra credit bonus here is the article that I wrote around this time last year, with yet more info that could help your business flourish: https://realtytechbytes.com/a-quarter-of-the-year-is-almost-gone/
To my way of thinking, we can all use more business, even if it means that you get so busy that you have to share some leads with your less fortunate colleagues.
And if that’s not you, and you want it to be you, go read those articles and put something into action!