I’ve talked about this before and I am going to talk about it again today.
You have to have a way to capture those text messages between you and your clients so that you can store them with your transactions.
Since so much communication gets done with text, email and voicemail, ignoring saving those messages creates a disaster waiting to happen.
I want to tell you about a software for Mac and PC users that I have recently been using this is simply amazing. In fact it’s called iMazing 2.
(Sorry Android users, it’s only for iPhones. You can find Android capable solutions at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/search_results_cluster_apps?clp=ggEcChpleHRyYWN0IGRhdGEgZnJvbSBteSBwaG9uZQ%3D%3D%3AS%3AANO1ljINe_E&hl=en)
iMazing claims to be “simply the best iPhone, iPad and iPod manager for Mac and PC”. From what I have seen and experienced I would have to agree.
Here are some of the things it will do for you:
- Transfer your data from your old phone to your new phone. All of the data, pix, messages, notes, apps, files etc.
- Simpler music transfers between phone and computer
- Easy access to photos that you take on your phone and in your photo libraries
- Smart Backups and Restores (Even automatically over WiFi)
- Easily save text messages to your computer
- Manage Contacts
- Manage Apps
- Access phone voicemail, call history, voice memos and notes
- Transfer and manage your iBooks
- iOS Advanced management using USB or WiFi
- Available in 11 languages
- And much more.
You can download a free trial here: http://www.imazing.com. You can buy a licenses to install it on one computer for $39.99. The license for two computers is $49.99 and the Family pack for up to 5 computers is $69.99.
The software is very easy to use. Simply launch on your Mac or PC and follow the onscreen prompts. The first use will require you to allow it to perform full backup of your phone. This could take a while depending on what’s on the phone. Once that is accomplished, future backups will take less time.
After that backup is finished you are presented with a screen that looks much like your iPhone’s display of apps. Simply click on the one that you want to examine and the program goes to work to display what it contains.
Once you find what you want you can Export to PDF, Export to Text, Export to CSV, Export any attachments and of course, Print.
It’s money well spent. Drop what you are doing and go get it. I wouldn’t wait until you need to get a text message in a hurry…you might have already deleted it!