In the first part of this series I detailed the 6 traits of successful agents (as I see it) and in the subsequent posts I have focused on trait number 5 at least as it pertains to some of the hardware and software systems they use. Then last week I talked about how successful agents are really the original social networkers because of trait number 5 – They create and nurture networks of people.
This week I want to talk a bit about how you can learn how to do the same thing. Instead of me telling you, I’d like to refer you to three books that do an excellent job of giving you the knowledge that you need to create a successful social networking presence.
There is a method to my reasoning here. First of all, they can do a much better job than I can as they are the experts, but also because I am on vacation in Maui and I’d like to quickly get back to the beach!
The first book is Socialnomics: How social media transforms the way we live and do business by erik qualman. From the inside cover of the dust jacket: “…Qualman offers a fascinating look at the impact of social media on business to to reveal what the future holds and how business can best take advantage of it.” This is a relatively quick book to read, being only 8 Chapters and just shy of 300 pages, but it offers a great look at how some businesses are using social media to their advantage and how others are not. Although he does not single out real estate in the book, much of what he says speaks directly to what we do to find and nurture client relationships.
The second book is “Trust Agents – using the web to build influence. improve reputation, and earn trust” by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith. This book is also an easy read, being 8 Chapters and again just shy of 300 pages. Brogan and Smith take a different approach in that they talk about the power that an individual can wield in the market place once they have established trust. This book then goes on to give you methods, strategies and techniques to help you get there.
Once you have learned from the first two books, it’s time to read “the digital handshake – seven proven strategies to grow your business using social media” by Paul Chaney. This book hits a grand slam in my opinion in that Chaney gives you the reasoning behind why you want and need to adopt a social media marketing plan, he then goes on to show you how to do it. He ties some of this directly into real estate so you will be able to relate. Again, this is an easy read being less than 300 pages divided into 18 Chapters
OK, it’s back to the beach for me, but I want to first pop in a disclaimer. If you click on the links in this post and buy a book from Amazon as result of doing that I will earn a small pittance. I will probably not earn enough to pay for the cost of the three books that I have just recommended, but you may earn enough from your improved business practices to make a real difference in your life!
Jerry, thanks for mentioning my book, especially in such good company and Chris and Erik’s. I like the order in which you suggest the books be read as well. To say The Digital Handshake hits a “grand slam” truly made my day as well.
Of course, after four months of constant writing followed by several rounds of editing, shouldn’t it be me on the beach at Maui. I mean, really, shouldn’t it? 🙂
Hop a flight on over! We have a pull out couch in the living room available!
Thanks for your hard work on producing The Digital Handshake. I think it will make a great text book for a hands on class. I find that many real estate agents would like to employ the techniques but can’t find a starting point. I’ve had great success in conducting very small hands on classes of 3 or 4 agents at a time. The book will be invaluable for future students!
Best regards,