A tale of two geeks who backup AND restore!

Recently a friend and I experienced similar computing “disasters.  We both had iMacs that were approximately 3 years old and both of them experienced hard drive failures.  Don’t draw any conclusions about the reliability of the iMacs as that isn’t the point of this article. A conclusion that is fair to draw is that hard…


What ARE they saying about YOU?

On September 5th, I wrote about Nutshell Mail which aggregates everything social into an email. Today I want to briefly tell you about Social Mention which does a similar thing, but goes further to help you understand your reach and the sentiment that you evoke among your social graph. I’ve included a screen shot of…


Nero fiddled as Rome burned…

On Friday, November 5th, the National Association of REALTORS® will kick off it’s annual love fest.  This year it is in New Orleans.  Billed as NARdiGras 2010, the event will feature 4 days of speeches, lectures, classes and exhibits all designed to educate REALTORS®, fete REALTORS® and separate REALTORS® from their money in the Exhibit…
