Is your blog ready for the year of the tablet?

After several false starts, 2011 has been labeled the “Year of the Tablet”.  (Here is a link to a Google search on that topic: the year of the tablet: When the iPad first came out there was a big rush on the part of iPhone developers to port their apps onto the new and…


Teach Your Parents Tech! (Or Teach yourself)

My passion these days is showing small business owners how to use the new web based tools to grow their businesses.  And yes, real estate people are small business owners. I really enjoy showing people how Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter have real world business applications and are not just for wasting time. Arguably, the…


An open letter to all real estate brokers…you really, really need to read this!

You can’t avoid it anymore.  It’s everywhere you look.  Television commercials for all sorts of products tell you to do it,  magazine ads feature the logo and the promise of benefits if you will just do this one thing.  Every one you know is there already and recent events in the Middle East have shown…
