Free and easy way to create strong passwords…that you can remember!

Recently I was reading Mashable and ran across an article entitled the “25 Worst passwords of 2011”.  You need to click through on this and read it.  Is YOUR favorite password on the list? You might want to read another Mashable article “5 Tools for Keeping Track of Your Passwords” if it is. I have…


Introducing A Revolutionary New Approach To Marketing – And How YOU Can Take Advantage Of It Before Anyone Else!

Mobile Websites Are a MUST for “Mobile-Only” Web Users Can you believe that some Internet users ONLY access the web from their mobile phones?  Considering the explosive popularity the mobile market has experienced in recent years, it really isn’t that hard to believe. While still in the minority, a significant percentage of internet users (approximately…


Here’s why you need to use Facebook lists

Ever get the feeling that Facebook is hiding things from you?  That people are talking about things that you don’t see on your Facebook wall? If so, it’s because YOU have not taken advantage of Facebook’s enhanced List feature. The Facebook wall, up until recently, was a riot of information.  Posts from people that you…
