Easy way to fix your Facebook Privacy

I’ve talked about Facebook privacy before and have highlighted a few tools that can help you gain control of your Facebook privacy.  (https://realtytechbytes.com/three-websites-to-help-you-get-your-facebook-privacy-under-control) But, if you are like most, you probably said, “yeah, yeah, yeah Jerry.  Why should I care?”.  Perhaps you have nothing in your Facebook profile or your likes, or Apps, or your…


Director of Technology, Social Media and Education

I am very excited to announce that I have joined Bradley Real Estate in San Rafael as the newly created Director of Technology, Social Media and Education!  I have been following the growth of Bradley Real Estate for the past few years and have liked what I heard and saw.  So when I ran across…


Easy way to get rid of those piles of business cards!

I recently got a phone call from a long time business acquaintance, and friend asking me to please take a look at his latest project.  Because of my blog http://www.RealtyTechBytes.com, I get requests like this quite frequently. In most cases I don’t report on them because they don’t fit my criteria of something useful to folks in the…
