Jerry Kidd

Decoding the Market: A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to 10 Pressing Challenges

Are you finding it tough to secure new clients in this competitive market? You’re not alone. High interest rates are merely the tip of the iceberg. Today, we’re diving deep into the top challenges you might face and, more importantly, how to overcome them.  1. Limited Inventory The Challenge   In today’s market, buyer demand…

Jerry Kidd

Stand Out in a Crowded Market by Optimizing Your web and Social Profiles With ChatGPT

As hard as it is to get new listings, I think an enterprising agent would want to take advantage of every possible tool. And that goes double for the free tools! Here is what you should do as soon as possible: Look at the profile/bio you have on your website.  When was the last time…

Jerry Kidd

Lead Generation: From the Basics to the Latest

Hey there! Remember the days when door-knocking was the go-to method for real estate leads? Times have changed, but some things remain the same. Let’s look at the tried-and-true, and the new ways agents are getting leads. 1. Old School, Still Cool: Door Knocking   Even with our phones buzzing and screens everywhere, there’s something…

Jerry Kidd

Beat the Digital Overwhelm and Get to Streamlined Efficiency

As I’ve been talking with agents over the past few months, I’ve discovered that many agents are frustrated with staying organized with the available tools on their phones. This has made me remember back to the days of paper planners. Almost every agent had a ring binder with either Day Timer or Franklin Covey’s daily…

Jerry Kidd

Boost Your Sales: 5 Must-Have Tech Tools forReal Estate Agents to Streamline Lead Generation

In today’s fast-paced real estate market, technology isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. As someone who has been in the real estate industry for over 37 years and has worn multiple hats—from Sales Manager to IT Director—I can’t stress enough the importance of leveraging technology to streamline your business. Whether you’re a seasoned agent…

Jerry Kidd

Is Direct Mail in Real Estate Dead or Thriving?

I’m sure you have heard old timers say that direct mail has become obsolete, but reality paints a different picture.  Depending on where you live, you may receive direct mail from top agents in your area. Top real estate agents continue to leverage this traditional method, and there’s a reason for that – it’s effective. …


Commenting vs. Posting: A New Approach to Facebook Leads for REALTORS®

When it comes to maintaining a presence on Facebook, particularly with past clients and potential leads, the conventional wisdom of posting on your profile might not be the most effective strategy. Why is that? Consider this: The likelihood of your post appearing on their feed when they log in is relatively low. However, their chances…
