If you are one of the people that makes New Year’s resolutions and then ends up doing the same old, same old, welcome to the club!
Resolutions seem like a great idea when they get written, but often times life derails the best of intentions.
So this year, I resolve to make some resolutions that can be kept and will hopefully make a difference in my business.
Take a look, maybe they will work for you too.
Resolution number 1: I think it wise to start at the beginning so I resolve to start the year with an attitude of gratitude. I am grateful to be in a business that supports my family as well as helps me to help other people achieve their home ownership dreams. Being grateful for what i have in life always helps me to get over the “oh poor me’s” that sometimes crop up in our business when things don’t go as we had hoped.
Resolution number 2: I resolve to be the kind of person that helps people get what they want. Sometimes I let what I think is the right way to do something get in the way of what is right for others. I resolve to be willing to let the “other guy” be right more often.
Resolution number 3: I resolve to get over the disappointments that crop up when a listing that was “in the bag” doesn’t materialize. I resolve to let go of resentments when the offer that I wrote does not get accepted. These disappointments are God’s way of letting me know that something better is coming my way as soon as I get back to work!
Resolution number 4: I resolve to a mentor to those that need it, an example to those are struggling and I resolve to be the kind of agent my broker wants me to be, the kind of agent that my clients expect me to be and the kind of agent that other agents want to work with!
Resolution number 5: Finally, I resolve to have more fun. Fun doesn’t necessarily involve trips, spending money or even being with other people,. Fun can be the simple joy of a sunrise, it can be the joy of seeing other people realizing their dreams because of my help, fun can be the light in my spouse’s eyes when they see our life together.
These are my resolutions. I think that I can keep these, but to help me, I am going to print them and have them near my computer so I can see them every day!
Happy New Year!