Information on where to buy things
As real estate agents we have learned how to work away from our offices and to provide our services wherever the customer happens to be, at their home, their office or even at a local coffee shop. One of the factors that has contributed to that mobility is the nearly ubiquitous presence of WiFi. Although…
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Many of you know that I am an ePro Certified Trainer, and as such I have been able to offer you a $25.00 discount when you sign up for the National Association of Realtors® ePro course. I have always felt that having an ePro was a very smart move for all Realtors® for a variety…
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In the first part of this series, I told you how I came from the PC world to the Mac world. In the second part I told you about the “gotchas” that are part of the process. This week I want to tell you about why it’s all worth it. Aside from the very…
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Last week I confessed that I am mostly a Mac guy these days and told you how that happened to me. This week it’s only fair to tell you that the journey was not without issues, some of which are still with me. The most obvious thing that I had to deal with was learning…
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It’s true. I am now (mostly) a Mac. I have been a Windows guy since 1986 when I bought my first PC, an IBM XT Clone. It ran DOS 3.1 and had an amber monitor. I used that computer to catapult my fledgling real estate business into the top 10% of my office within my…
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You have probably heard about the Amazon Kindle, the new device that allows you to instantly download a “book” and read it on a lightweight device that looks like a small pad of paper. If you have never heard of it, pop on over to Amazon and search for Kindle. Although I’ll bet you find…
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If you are in the market for a new computer you may want to give some serious consideration to the newest generation of computers, the netbook. What is a netbook? Although there are some differences of opinion, a netbook is generally considered to be a notebook style computer that has a screen size from 8”…
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Last week I gave you Part One which contained what I believe to be 5 of the must have tech tools for real estate agents. This week I will continue with 5 more must have tech tools. Truth be told, there are more than 10 tools that I think you should have (and have mastered)…
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Real estate agents are called upon to provide many services to their buyers and sellers. The services can range from finding that perfect property for their buyers to marketing a home for their sellers. At the end of both processes there is an escrow to manage (Hopefully!) with all of the attendant inspections, reports, issues…
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Got your shopping done yet? Most people I talk to have gotten theirs done or most of the way done. But, when I ask them what they got for themselves I get a blank look. Apparently nobody thinks that they should get themselves a gift. Well, let me offer a suggestion. Go get yourself a…
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