Information on where to buy things

RedLaser puts money in your pocket

Yesterday I went shopping with my two grandsons. They had received some Best Buy gift cards as Christmas presents and those gift cards had been “burning a hole” in their pockets ever since. The oldest grandson had no trouble picking out what he wanted which was a WiFi adaptor for his xbox 360. We looked…

Own your own AT&T cell “tower”!

On June 27th I told you about a solution that I was using to solve the almost non existent AT&T coverage in my office. Here is the link to that article in case you missed it: It actually worked quite nicely, until you picked up the phone. Once you did that, and took the…

Use your cellphone with your home or office phone system

Last week I told you about how I solved my AT&T “no reception” problem at my office in San Ramon. ( The solution works perfectly…if I want to use the speaker phone on my iPhone.  If I pick up the phone to answer it I lose my reception!  That’s because in order for the phone…