Google Secret Tool Can Increase Your ranking

I was poking about on Google today, in a behind the scenes sort of way and somehow ended up looking at Google Directory.  Google Directory?  I didn’t know that Google had a directory.  Like most of us, I know Google as a search engine par excellence, but as a directory?  Who knew? What’s the difference…

True Confessions of a Windows user in a Mac World – Part Three

  In the first part of this series, I told you how I came from the PC world to the Mac world.  In the second part I told you about the “gotchas” that are part of the process.  This week I want to tell you about why it’s all worth it. Aside from the very…

True Confessions of a Windows user in a Mac World – Part Two

Last week I confessed that I am mostly a Mac guy these days and told you how that happened to me.  This week it’s only fair to tell you that the journey was not without issues, some of which are still with me. The most obvious thing that I had to deal with was learning…

Evernote, your online and offline brain

I’ve written about Evernote before, ( but I wanted to give you an updated posting on it because several people have told me that they do not understand what the big deal is all about. Instead of typing 500 words, I thought I’d just do a short (8 minutes) video on it for you.…

Top Ten Realtor® Tech Tools

Real estate agents are called upon to provide many services to their buyers and sellers.  The services can range from finding that perfect property for their buyers to marketing a home for their sellers.  At the end of both processes there is an escrow to manage (Hopefully!) with all of the attendant inspections, reports, issues…