Own your own AT&T cell “tower”!

On June 27th I told you about a solution that I was using to solve the almost non existent AT&T coverage in my office. Here is the link to that article in case you missed it: https://realtytechbytes.com/solve-poor-att-reception/ It actually worked quite nicely, until you picked up the phone. Once you did that, and took the…

How to choose the cell phone that is right for you!

Ever since Apple announced the 4G iPhone earlier this month, I have been doing some research on which phone I might want to buy when my current contract runs out in early July. And, with the huge assortment of really capable phones available, it’s been an interesting process. To start with, I took a look…

Facebook – your best friend or your worst nightmare?

As I travel around teaching real estate professionals how to use the new social tools to grow their businesses, I continue to get questions about Facebook. More specifically, I get the question “Should I be friends with other real estate agents?” (Substitute whatever industry your competitor is in). The concern seems to be that the…

Get new clients using social tools ~ Part Two

Last week I talked about your need to have a prospecting plan that brings you the customers that you want to work with, instead of always having to work with whoever shows up! Wouldn’t it be nice if we always had a steady stream of prospective clients moving towards us as we move towards them?…

Microsoft feels your pain and wants to help

I learned about a new Microsoft Beta program the other day that promises to make life a bit easier for users of Windows 7, Vista and XP. It’s called “Microsoft Fixit Center”. It’s a small download that you obtain from http://fixitcenter.support.microsoft.com/Portal/ and install. Once installed, you login with your Windows Live ID. After you log…