Google’s new free tool to help people find you! Part 3

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Getting started with Google My Business is simple. 1. First, visit the following link: 2. If you already have a Google Places or Google+ Local account, just sign in. Your listing should have automatically been upgraded to Google My Business. You’ll be taken to the new dashboard, which I’ll show you in a…

Jerry Kidd

Google’s new free tool to help people find you! Part 2

Last week I gave you some quick tips on getting started on Google My Business.  This week I’ll go a little deeper on explaining what it actually is. Google My Business is an invaluable tool for any REALTOR®. Understanding the fundamentals of this platform will increase your chances of being found in local and mobile…

Jerry Kidd

Google’s new free tool to help people find you! Part 1

If you have been struggling to build a local presence on Google, you may be happy to learn that the Google My Business platform makes things a whole lot simpler. This is Google’s latest tool to help local businesses connect with more consumers.  It merges Google Maps, Search and Google+ into a single platform; which…

Jerry Kidd

Your email inbox can have a huge effect on your business…if you open and read your email

My email inbox is a constant source of information!  I subscribe to a lot of newsletters that bring me information on new technologies, new uses for old technologies and quite a lot of information that I can’t find any immediate use for, yet is interesting none the less. I also wade through a truly astonishing…

Jerry Kidd

6 ways Zillow can help you to get more listings! (And you can’t beat the price)

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, we LOVE to HATE Zillow.  But, as I have also said before, that is a very short sighted attitude to take. Yes, I know, Zillow takes OUR listings that we worked so hard to get, and then spends millions advertising them so that they can get…