A couple of months ago I installed an app on my phone, fully intending to try it out, but then promptly forgot about it. (Ever done that?)
It was one of those apps that seemed cool, and I thought that it might make a good subject for a post here on RealtyTechBytes. Once I installed it, I was prompted to connect it to my social accounts, but I didn’t take the time to do it, so since it wasn’t connected to one of those accounts it just sat there and did nothing. Or so I thought.
On Friday morning it popped up on my phone’s notification screen and gave me a load of information about a person that I had scheduled a lunch meeting with for that day.
I rarely use the Calendar function on my phone to list individual meetings with people, but in this case I had done so, The app was connected to my calendar when I installed it, so when the day arrived, it saw the name of the person that I was meeting and went out and assembled a dossier of information that was publicly available, going so far as to suggest topics of conversation to me (Based on what the other person had posted) to bring up to break the ice.
That’s when the light bulb went off for me…this would be a very cool app to have for sales people. What if you installed the app, connected your social accounts and then calendared all of your meetings with prospects? (whether you meet them face to face or just by email and/or phone) In a matter of minutes you’d have a raft of information that you could use to establish rapport and deepen the relationship.
I think this is one of those no brainer things that you should have and use, and it’s FREE! As far as I can determine, it’s only available on the iPhone, so if you rock an iPhone go here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/refresh-insights-for-business/id582438442
The app is called Refresh. Try it, I think you’ll like what it can do for you!