When you read this two thirds of 2016 will be history! Labor Day Weekend is one week away and it traditionally marks the beginning of the fall real estate selling season. We essentially have about two and a half months before Thanksgiving and the beginning of the winter slow down.
So, if you haven’t yet hit your income goals for 2016 there is still time to do so. However, if you have been working hard but still haven’t been able to make it happen, maybe it’s time to try some new tactics.
I’ve complied five fabulous resources of free tips, tricks, and techniques that will help you light the afterburner and kick your listings and sales into gear.
Here they are in no particular order:
- Long time sales and coaching Guru Mike Ferry has a great page chock fill of audios, scripts, check lists, presentations and more at http://www.mikeferry.com/main/content/complimentary
- Not to be outdone, Tom Ferry has a page full of similar free information that can help you re-start a stalled sales career. Go here for Tom’s free items: http://www.tomferry.com/agent-tools/
- Joe Stumpf take a different approach to finding business, but he also offers some free materials that will help you get going. You can fine his things at:
http://www.byreferralonly.com/FreeTools/default.aspx - This list wouldn’t be complete without the free items offered by Brian Buffini. You can find what he has on offer at:
http://resources.buffiniandcompany.com/?_ga=1.105126723.1391581273.1472304834 - Last, but certainly not least, relative newcomer to the coaching game Brian Icenhower has compiled a list of free things that will really help get you going! His giveaways can be found here: http://therealestatetrainer.com/
All of these trainers and coaches have built great reputations by helping people get to higher levels of production, so you can be sure that their methods have been field tested by many, many agents. On each of these pages you will find solicitations from them to you in the hopes that you’ll find their material so compelling that you’ll want to sign up for their paid coaching services… do so if you wish, but in my opinion what is on offer for free is all that you really need.
One last thing to keep in kind, though. If you just download stuff to your computer and never use it, don’t waste your time by downloading it all.
My advice is to check out each page. Find something that you can use on each page and download it. Then look at the five items that you downloaded and pick the one that you can commit to using…and then do the heck out of it. If you’ll do that, you stand an excellent chance of just killing it for the balance of the year. On the other hand, if you do nothing all you will get is what you already have…and that may not be enough!