Jerry Kidd

Save those text messages!

Back in the good old says of real estate, a smart agent kept a written record of every conversation they had with their buyers or sellers, inspectors, contractors, title people, lenders and so on.  If the conversation had anything to do with a transaction we wrote it down. Eventually those records became Conversation Logs and…

Jerry Kidd

10 places to find cool things to post that will build your real estate credibility!

One of the ways that you can utilize your social media accounts is to post interesting information about real estate. Doing so on a regular basis helps to position you as a knowledgeable person on real estate topics. But, you can only post so much about your new listings or your open houses or your…

Jerry Kidd

How to use Facebook Groups to Grow Your Business

Have you heard of Facebook Groups?  If you have heard of them, have you wondered what’s the difference between Groups, Pages and Personal Profiles? You are not alone!  At first glance trying to figure out the differences and advantages of each can be daunting.  So, I thought I’d do a little research to help you…

Jerry Kidd

Book review of Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now

It’s probably time for me to bail out of Facebook.  I just finished “reading” (I listen on Audible) a book that really opened my eyes on what information is collected by Facebook, and how they use it to manipulate our buying habits.   It goes without saying that they have manipulated American elections going back…